Welcome by the GLAS Automobile Club International e.V.
Bild des Monats |
Here you can experience the exciting story of an innovative small car company in Dingolfing, Germany just 60 miles north-east of Munich. In just 12 years, this company developed a complete range of products, ranging from the small Goggomobil cars, the 04-series, which won in 1965 with the 1304 TS the German Touring Car Championship, continued with the beautiful GLAS 1300 GT and 1700 GT up to the eight-cylinder GLAS 3000 V8 luxury coupe.
Come on and explore this website, there are many more models and interesting stories.
Thomas Schneider, President
Einladung zum 52. Jahrestreffen des GLAS Club und Geburtstagsfeier "70 Jahre Goggomobil"
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vom 6. bis 9. Juni 2025 in Dingolfing
Die GFG Goggo- und Glasfahrergemeinschaft Dingolfing lädt dazu recht herzlich ein. Mit:
- Sonderausstellung "70 Jahre Goggomobil"
- Verlosung einer spanischen Goggo-Limousine
- BMW-Werksführung
- Stadtführungen, Industriemuseum
- Fahrzeugkorso mit Durchfahrt durch das BMW-Werk 2.4
- Abendveranstaltungen und vielem mehr.
Das Programm und Anmeldeunterlagen (PDF) finden Sie hier.
Die aktuellen GLAS Clubnachrichten
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Hier sehen Sie die aktuellen GLAS Clubnachrichten.
Inhalt Ausgabe 140
• Einladung zum 52. Jahrestreffen und Programm „70 Jahre Goggomobil“
• Klassikertreffen in Rothenwörth
• 30. GLAS- und BMW Treffen
• Goggomobiltreffen in Balmertshofen
• Goggo- & Shoppertreffen in Heiligenberg
• Hohenbogen Oldtimer-Rallye
• Zwei Museumstipps
• Mitgliedervorstellung: Marco Pigossi
• Der AWS Jagdwagen
• Restaurierung M61
• Gedanken zur Altersstruktur
und vieles mehr!
Sie können das aktuelle Heft hier bestellen:
(10 € + Versandkosten (Inland: 1,60€))
Neues Youtube-Video: Mein Glas BMW 3000 V8 Baujahr 1968 von Rolf Konen
Das Jahrestreffen 2024 in Regensburg
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„Als wir jüngst in Regensburg waren…“ - das alte deutsche Volkslied besingt nun den GLAS Automobilclub International e.V., der an Pfingsten 2024 endlich einmal in dieser wunderschönen Stadt zu Gast war.
Am Freitagmittag ging es los. Natürlich Regen („Schneiderwetter“) und die Mitteilung vom Hotel, dass der Hoteldirektor vor zwei Tagen fristlos entlassen wurde.
Dennoch wurden alle Anreisenden von uns herzlich willkommen geheißen und das Treffen konnte beginnen wie geplant. Alle Knoten lösten sich irgendwie und irgendwann, und wir hatten nach all den Startschwierigkeiten einen wunderschönen ersten Abend.
Den Bericht lesen Sie ->hier.
Annual meeting 2023 in Alphen aan den Rijn (NL)
With great expectations we drove to the annual meeting in Alphen aan den Rijn in the Netherlands, about 25 km north of Amsterdam. Jef van de Nes and his wife Rueda had put together a very nice program that we were already looking forward to.
There was already a big hello on Friday evening, where we already met many GLAS friends
The GLAS Automobilclub International. e.V just welcomed the 1000th member
The GLAS Automobilclub International. e.V just welcomed the 1000th member. Martin Hemauer from Lower Bavaria received a certificate from the 2nd chairman of the club, Thomas Schneider.
He is the proud owner of a GLAS 1700. He was invited to our annual meet in Bad Arolsen near Kassel from June 7th to the 10th. 2019 (www.glasclub.de).
GLAS was taken over by BMW on January 2nd, 1967.
The club, which was founded in 1975 in Switzerland, now has followers in 20 countries around the world with members in USA, Australia, Japan, South America and all of Europe.
Welcome to the GLAS Club homepage
The club has nearly 1000 members around the world and is the only club solely dedicated to the German scooter and automobile manufacturer GLAS. However even owners of a BMW 1600 GT or a BMW / GLAS V8 feel here at home.
The club is based in Germany.
Most of the members live in Germany, but over 180 of our members live in France, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia and the Benelux countries. Overseas we have members in USA, South America, Japan and Australia. People who drive a vehicle manufactured by Glas, from the early scooters, the Goggomobil or the later full-size sedans and sporty GT cars can become a member. But even those who are just interested in this automobile manufacturer from Dingolfing in lower Bavaria, even without owning a Glas vehicle, are welcome.
Now we would like to show you some vehicles in the USA, where we are represented from Micro Cars to sporty coupes right up to the GLAS V8.
Revival 50 years Goggomobil in Dingolfing 2005
Dear Goggomobil and GLAS friends.
I have now searched the archive and GLAS photos
50 years Goggomobil from 2005 picked out in Dingolfing.
Nine years have passed again and next year we seeing everybody in Dingolfing to 60 years Goggomobil again.
The plans are already underway. Here are about 100 photos that you can look at to remind you once liked.
GLAS Parade
You can find pictures of the most beautiful GLAS vehicles at the 2012 annual club meet in Switzerland at
Please click here